
Showing posts from June, 2020

How To Make 100$ A Day : Here are 30 Ideas


Meditation For Deep Sleep, Relax, Healing, Worth,Stress Relief

Meditation For Deep Sleep, Relax, Healing, Worth,Stress Relief Meditation May Lead to Volume Changes in Key Areas of the Brain In 2011, Sara Lazar and her team at Harvard  found  that mindfulness meditation can actually change the structure of the brain: Eight weeks of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) was found to increase cortical thickness in the hippocampus, which governs learning and memory, and in certain areas of the brain that play roles in emotion regulation and self-referential processing. There were also  decreases  in brain cell volume in the amygdala, which is responsible for fear, anxiety, and stress – and these changes matched the participants’ self-reports of their stress levels, indicating that meditation not only changes the brain, but it changes our subjective perception and feelings as well. In fact, a follow-up  study  by Lazar’s team found that after meditation training, changes in brain areas linked to mood and arousal we...

The Results Will Come! Affirmations For Success and Strength!

The Results Will Come! Affirmations For Success and Strength! If I do the work, the results will come. If I do the work, the results will come.  If I do the work, the results will come. πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ If I work smarter, the results will come. If I work harder, the results will come. If I stick at it, the results will come. the results will come. If I refuse to quit the results will come!.  If I never give up the results will come!. If I am committed to find a way the results will come!. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ IF I LEARN MORE and APPLY that learning the results will come! If I BELIEVE the results will come! Believe in me, believe in my work ethic, believe in the process. πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ If I am disciplined the results will come!. If I am committed to get better every single day the results will come!. I know for sure: The proof is always in the work. My future results will be a direct reflection of my EFFORT. πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’– My future will be a reflection of my DESIRE!. My DISCIPLINE MY SACRIFICE MY FUTURE WILL BE A RE...

Powerful Affirmations for Success And Strength : The Results Will Come


4 Ways To Stay Resilient No Matter What Happens

4 Ways To Stay Resilient No Matter What Happens 1 Ask for help πŸ™ Resilient people know they can’t do it alone. They ask for help.  But more specifically, they go to the right person.  In a medical emergency, resilient people will rely on experts by calling 9-1-1 or a hospital and tap their network for medical professionals.  While friends and family can be comforting, resilient people make skillful choices as to which friend or which family member to rely on in a given situation. 2 Learn from failure πŸ‘ Resilient people understand failure is a necessary stumbling block toward success.  In his book, Choose The Life You Want, psychologist Tal Ben-Shahar writes extremely successful people often fail repeatedly and understand they must risk making mistakes to thrive: “The choice is a simple one: Lean to fail, or fail to learn.” 3 Stay positive πŸ˜ƒ While unrealistic optimism can clout one’s judgement and therefore lead to poor decision making, realistic optimism is essen...

4 Tips For Being A Gen-Y Gentleman

4 Tips For Being A Gen-Y Gentleman 1 Be open And willing to communicate.πŸ—£ Guys, if you want to be taken seriously as a gentleman, you will need to be an effective communicator, or at the very least, make an honest effort to communicate. This goes far beyond the stereotypical male gender role of being dominant and making all the decisions -- it means you need to be an active listener. This applies to women you're dating, hooking up with, are friends with or simply running into on the street. Be willing to listen to her point of view whether it involves sex, her day, her opinion on a movie or anything else that could possibly come up during conversation. If that sounds simple, it's because it is. 2 Always be respectful.πŸ‘Œ This honestly shouldn't even need to be said, yet it unfortunately does.  Millennial women are harassed online at alarmingly high rates, and many are consistent recipients of rape and death threats.  Obviously, there is never an acceptable time to threaten ...


HOW TO STAY YOUNG – 20 TIPS TO LOOK & FEEL YOUNGER 1.  Stay Out of the Sun to Stay Young 🌞 Always, always, always wear sunscreen with at least a 30 SPF rating, and make sure it’s broad-spectrum (blocks both UVA and UVB rays).  Doesn’t matter if the day is cloudy or bright – the UV rays are always there. And remember to reapply every few hours so it continues to protect your skin. 2.  Eat A Plant-Rich Diet πŸ₯— Staying young and healthy is easier when you eat a healthy diet of mostly fruits and vegetables supplemented with lean protein and whole grains.  These foods provide key nutrients that support healthy aging inside and out.  Fruits & veggies also boost your intake of important phytonutrients that help defend against damaging free-radicals. 3.  Drink Plenty of Water πŸ§‰ Want to know how to look younger naturally?  Drink 6-8 glasses of filtered water each day to keep skin supple and support optimum health. Dehydration causes skin to become dry...

NEVER GIVE UP : Poweful Motivation Speech

NEVER GIVE UP  : Poweful Motivation Speech Most people quit far too soon! If you hang in there your second wind will come!!! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ The definition of a second wind is: “a person’s ability to breathe freely during exercise, after having been out of breath”. and “a new STRENGTH or ENERGY to continue something that is a challenge.”. You have to wait for your second wind to kick in! Develop some STAYING POWER!. KEEP GOING… KEEP PLUGGING AWAY and I guarantee NEW STRENGTH and NEW ENERGY WILL ABSOLUTELY COME TO YOU!. πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ All that struggle will be part of your STORY not your MISERY. Athletes know this When you start a run, a game, any type of physical activity or competition. sometimes it’s a struggle early on… physically it seems TOO HARD, right? And that is when most people STOP The very moment it gets hard. πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯ WINNERS KEEP GOING! They know the second wind is coming.  Even if they feel like HELL they know if they just stay in the game if they just keep going… the second wind ...

How To Be Attractive To Women – The 10 Laws of Desirability

How To Be Attractive To Women – The 10 Laws of Desirability 1. Cultivate Your Confidence: πŸ‘Œ Understanding confidence can be tricky. If you’re too confident, you may come across as conceited, pompous or arrogant.  However, lacking in confidence can make you seem shady or generally unsure of yourself. A confident man knows his strengths and weaknesses and isn’t afraid to own them. For example, a confident man will make eye contact, smile and approach without fear.  You can ‘fake it until you make it,’ or you can sign up for an interpersonal skills class in your town if you’d like to improve your confidence. 2. Be Open and Honest: πŸ‘ Little more sets off a woman’s alarm bells than catching her date in a lie.  Even if it’s something minor, such as what sports you played in college, it will make you look bad and turn women off. A liar is unattractive.  If you have a habit of fibbing about anything, even small details, make it a point to stop. You also want to be open. If...

15 Very Effective Rules to Forget Someone You Once Cared For

15 Very Effective Rules to Forget Someone You Once Cared For 1 Accept what happened. πŸ‰‘ Don’t be one of those people that cannot accept the fact that what you wanted didn’t work out.  What I’m trying to say is, don’t be like me.  You’ll be able to get over someone much easier if you just accept what happened. 2 Let it go. ✋ You should listen to the Disney song, Let It Go.  These Disney songs are getting real.  Let it go. It’s the only way that you’ll be able to free your mind and heart.  If you accept what happened, then the next step is to understand that, and then make a promise to yourself that you must move forward. 3 Go out 🌈🌈    Don’t do what I did and eat ice cream on my couch – I actually enjoyed it, however, after cleaning out two tubs, it was time to reevaluate my life.   Get your shoes on, and go for a walk.   Go to the market.   Go to the cafe.   See your friends.   Yes, your heart is brok...

Here are nine ways to improve your emotional regulation skills:

Here are nine ways to improve your emotional regulation skills: Choose your mantra. ☯ Decide what you will say to yourself the next time your frustration bubbles up to the surface. Have one or two short mantras ready. Talk with friends. πŸ—£ Friends are support systems. A good talk can dissipate stress, make you feel understood and give you a good outlet to vent.  “Find your tribe or community where you can share challenges, laughs and strategize on how to solve problems you have in common,” Kris says. Practice self-compassion. πŸ’ How often do you give yourself a soft place to land in your mind? Self-compassion is the practice of treating yourself as you would a best friend, and when you are kinder to yourself, you are kinder to others. Exercise and eat nutritiously. πŸ…πŸ₯— Take care of your body and your mind will follow. Write in a journal. ✍ Give your thoughts and feelings a safe place to come out. Practice mindfulness meditation. πŸŒ… Practice a nonjudgmental stance to things you are...

How to stop Drinking Alcohol completely

How to stop Drinking Alcohol completely Here Are some tips to follow to stop drinking Alcohol Completely : Make your intentions known πŸ’¬ Tell your family and friends that you’re trying to stop drinking alcohol and explain why.  This way, you can share your successes with them, and they’ll understand why you’ve started turning down drinks or trips to the pub.  Frequently reminding yourself and the people close to you why you want to stop drinking can help keep you on track, and may even encourage someone else to give up or cut down with you. Avoid temptation ⛔ In the early stages, it’s a good idea to avoid situations where you may be tempted to drink.  This could mean opting out of the weekly pub quiz for a while, or if you tend to drink when eating out, try going to restaurants that don’t sell alcohol or simply volunteering to drive.  Similarly, try to identify the times when you would usually drink and fill the gap with something else.  So if you would usually ...