
Showing posts with the label motivation

Your Past Doesn’t Define Your Future

Your Past Doesn’t Define Your Future Your PAST doesn’t define you. What you do NOW defines you! If you study the habits and traits of highly successful people, and the average or unsuccessful it is impossible not to see clear differences in their habits and thinking… One of the biggest differences lie in THINKING and LIVING in the PAST, or planning into the FUTURE. The majority, and by that i mean the average and underachieving among us, think PRIMARILY in the past. “this is what happened to me, and if this didn’t happen to me i would be where i want to be today” “i should have done this in the past, and now it’s too late” “this person wronged me in the past, and that’s why I’m not where i want to be” The PAST drags them down, beats the life out of them continuously day in day out.  They don’t take responsibility, they don’t believe in FUTURE because they are stuck in the PAST,  so their PAST repeats itself in the future.OVER and OVER again… The successful one however thinks O...

The Results Will Come! Affirmations For Success and Strength!

The Results Will Come! Affirmations For Success and Strength! If I do the work, the results will come. If I do the work, the results will come.  If I do the work, the results will come. πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ If I work smarter, the results will come. If I work harder, the results will come. If I stick at it, the results will come. the results will come. If I refuse to quit the results will come!.  If I never give up the results will come!. If I am committed to find a way the results will come!. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ IF I LEARN MORE and APPLY that learning the results will come! If I BELIEVE the results will come! Believe in me, believe in my work ethic, believe in the process. πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ If I am disciplined the results will come!. If I am committed to get better every single day the results will come!. I know for sure: The proof is always in the work. My future results will be a direct reflection of my EFFORT. πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’– My future will be a reflection of my DESIRE!. My DISCIPLINE MY SACRIFICE MY FUTURE WILL BE A RE...

Here are nine ways to improve your emotional regulation skills:

Here are nine ways to improve your emotional regulation skills: Choose your mantra. ☯ Decide what you will say to yourself the next time your frustration bubbles up to the surface. Have one or two short mantras ready. Talk with friends. πŸ—£ Friends are support systems. A good talk can dissipate stress, make you feel understood and give you a good outlet to vent.  “Find your tribe or community where you can share challenges, laughs and strategize on how to solve problems you have in common,” Kris says. Practice self-compassion. πŸ’ How often do you give yourself a soft place to land in your mind? Self-compassion is the practice of treating yourself as you would a best friend, and when you are kinder to yourself, you are kinder to others. Exercise and eat nutritiously. πŸ…πŸ₯— Take care of your body and your mind will follow. Write in a journal. ✍ Give your thoughts and feelings a safe place to come out. Practice mindfulness meditation. πŸŒ… Practice a nonjudgmental stance to things you are...